contact Steven MacKinnon

Representative Steven MacKinnon Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Steven MacKinnon, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameSteven MacKinnon
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address160 de l'Hôpital Blvd Suite 401 Gatineau, Quebec J8T 8J1
fax 1613-992-1037
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Steven MacKinnon
Steven Garrett MacKinnon PC MP, born on September 28, 1966, is a Canadian Liberal politician known for his significant contributions to public service.

Steven MacKinnon for Representative

Steven Garrett MacKinnon PC MP, born on September 28, 1966, is a Canadian Liberal politician known for his significant contributions to public service. He was elected to represent the esteemed riding of Gatineau in the House of Commons of Canada during the highly anticipated 2015 federal election. With a deep commitment to serving his constituents and advancing the interests of his nation, MacKinnon has made a name for himself as a dedicated and accomplished politician.

Born and raised in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, MacKinnon possessed a natural inclination towards public affairs from an early age. He pursued his higher education at both the Université de Moncton and Queen’s University, where he focused on business studies. Equipped with a solid academic background, MacKinnon embarked on a journey of service and leadership that would shape his future career.

MacKinnon’s professional trajectory is marked by his role as an advisor to influential figures in Canadian politics. He served as an advisor to New Brunswick Premier Frank McKenna, an experience that provided him with valuable insights into the inner workings of government. Additionally, MacKinnon had the privilege of advising Prime Minister Paul Martin, further honing his political acumen and strategic thinking.

In recognition of his exceptional skills and dedication, MacKinnon was appointed as the national director of the Liberal Party of Canada, demonstrating his ability to navigate the complexities of party politics and contribute to its growth and success. Additionally, he served as the returning officer for the highly anticipated 2013 federal leadership election, showcasing his commitment to ensuring fair and democratic processes within the party.

Expanding his horizons beyond politics, MacKinnon also made notable contributions to the private sector. He worked for several years at Hill+Knowlton Strategies, a renowned global public relations firm, where he held the esteemed position of Senior Vice President and National Practice Leader in the Financial Communications sector. Through his expertise in this field, MacKinnon demonstrated his versatility and capacity to excel in various domains.

MacKinnon’s political journey in Gatineau began with his candidacy in the 2011 federal election. Although he finished third in that race, trailing behind Françoise Boivin, a former Liberal MP running for the New Democratic Party, and incumbent Bloc Quebecois MP Richard Nadeau, this setback did not deter him. Undeterred, MacKinnon persevered, determined to make a difference for his community and earn the trust of its constituents.

Four years later, MacKinnon emerged as a formidable force, challenging Françoise Boivin once again. This time, he managed to secure a decisive victory, triumphing over his opponent by a significant margin of two-to-one. This remarkable achievement demonstrated MacKinnon’s ability to connect with the electorate and resonate with the concerns and aspirations of the people he sought to represent. It was particularly noteworthy considering Boivin’s previous success in securing over sixty percent of the popular vote in 2011.

Throughout his career, Steven Garrett MacKinnon has exemplified the qualities of a dedicated public servant. His commitment to his constituents, his extensive political experience, and his ability to adapt and thrive in various professional settings have established him as a formidable force in Canadian politics. As he continues to serve as the Member of Parliament for Gatineau, MacKinnon remains steadfast in his pursuit of creating a better future for his community, his province, and his beloved nation of Canada.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Steven MacKinnon's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.