contact Pablo Rodriguez

Representative Pablo Rodriguez Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Pablo Rodriguez, including phone number, and mailing address.

NamePablo Rodriguez
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address8595 Maurice-Duplessis Blvd Suite 208 Montréal, Quebec H1E 4H7
fax 1613-992-1710
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Pablo Rodriguez
Juan Pablo Rodríguez[2] PC MP, born June 21, 1967, is a Canadian politician who has dedicated his career to public service and has made significant contributions to the fields of politics, humanitarian causes, and international development.

Pablo Rodriguez for Representative

Juan Pablo Rodríguez[2] PC MP, born June 21, 1967, is a Canadian politician who has dedicated his career to public service and has made significant contributions to the fields of politics, humanitarian causes, and international development. Currently serving as the Minister of Canadian Heritage since 2021, Rodríguez represents the riding of Honoré-Mercier in the House of Commons as a member of the Liberal Party. Throughout his political journey, he has held various important positions, including Government Chief Whip, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.[3]

Rodríguez’s early life was marked by challenges and adversity. He was born in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, on June 21, 1967.[4] When he was just eight years old, Rodríguez’s family was forced to flee to Canada due to the dire circumstances of the Dirty War, during which their home was bombed, and his father, a passionate activist, was repeatedly imprisoned and subjected to torture.[5]

Before embarking on his political career, Rodríguez pursued his education, earning a degree in business administration from the University of Sherbrooke. He then gained extensive experience in public affairs and the management of international projects, dedicating over twelve years of his life to these fields.[citation needed] However, his passion for humanitarian causes and the fight against poverty led him to devote a significant portion of his time to these issues. From 2000 to 2004, he served as the Vice President of Oxfam Québec, where he played a crucial role in helping developing countries and working towards the eradication of poverty.

Rodríguez’s political journey began in 2004 when he was elected as a Liberal Member of Parliament for the Quebec riding of Honoré-Mercier. He went on to win re-election in 2006 and 2008, establishing himself as a dedicated representative for his constituents. Despite being the sole Liberal representative in eastern Montreal, traditionally a stronghold for the Bloc Québecois, Rodríguez effectively chaired the Standing Committee on Official Languages and served as the Official Opposition’s Critic for the Francophonie and Official Languages, as well as the Critic for Public Works and Government Services Canada. He also made valuable contributions to several committees of the House of Commons, including the Committee of Canadian Heritage, Official Languages, and the Public Accounts Committee.

Rodríguez’s commitment to his ideals was evident when, on February 14, 2007, he successfully introduced a bill in the House of Commons that compelled the Conservative government to develop a plan within 60 days to uphold Canada’s commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.[clarification needed] Furthermore, he has been actively involved in the Liberal Party of Canada, serving as the Past President of its Quebec wing and as the Quebec Chair of Michael Ignatieff’s candidacy in the 2006 Liberal Party leadership election.[citation needed]

In the 2011 federal election, Rodríguez faced defeat at the hands of the New Democratic Party’s Paulina Ayala during the NDP’s significant surge in Quebec. However, he made a strong comeback in the 2015 election, capitalizing on the Liberal Party’s remarkable rise and defeating Ayala to return to Parliament as one of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s MPs.

During the 42nd Canadian Parliament, Rodríguez assumed the role of Chief Government Whip for a year and a half, starting from January 30, 2017. He then served as the Minister of Canadian Heritage from July 18, 2018, until the dissolution of the government on November 20, 2019. Notably, one of his key achievements during this time was the expansion of the Canada Periodical Fund

, which provided support to daily broadsheets in addition to magazine-format monthlies. This initiative, announced in Bill Morneau’s “fiscal update” on November 21, 2018, involved a $600-million fund over five years and received widespread acclaim from various media outlets, including Postmedia, Torstar, SaltWire Network, and the CBC.[7][8][9]

In the 43rd Canadian Parliament, Rodríguez was re-elected in the 2019 federal election, reaffirming his commitment to serving his constituents and advancing the priorities of the Liberal Party. From the formation of the government on November 20, 2019, until the dissolution, he held the prestigious position of Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.

Following the 2021 election, Rodríguez was once again appointed as the Minister of Canadian Heritage on October 26, 2021, further solidifying his role in shaping Canadian cultural policies and preserving the nation’s heritage. With his unwavering dedication to public service and his significant contributions to various fields, Juan Pablo Rodríguez continues to make a positive impact on Canada’s political landscape and the lives of its citizens.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Pablo Rodriguez's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.