contact Marie-Claude Bibeau

Representative Marie-Claude Bibeau Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Marie-Claude Bibeau, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameMarie-Claude Bibeau
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address204-175 Queen Street Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 1K1
fax 1613-992-1696
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Marie-Claude Bibeau
Marie-Claude Bibeau PC MP, born on April 4, 1970, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for her contributions in public service.

Marie-Claude Bibeau for Representative

Marie-Claude Bibeau PC MP, born on April 4, 1970, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for her contributions in public service. She was elected as the representative for the Compton—Stanstead riding in the House of Commons during the 2015 federal election, marking the beginning of her political journey. Bibeau is a dedicated member of the Liberal Party of Canada and has since played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s development and agricultural sectors.

Born and raised in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Bibeau’s early years instilled in her a sense of responsibility and a passion for making a difference. She pursued her higher education at the prestigious Université de Sherbrooke, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics and a graduate diploma in environmental management. Equipped with her academic achievements, Bibeau embarked on a professional career at the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), where she actively contributed to international development initiatives. Her work took her to various locations, including Ottawa, Montreal, Morocco, and Benin, allowing her to gain valuable insights and expertise in the field.

After her tenure at CIDA, Bibeau returned to her hometown of Compton, Quebec, where she channeled her entrepreneurial spirit and love for her community into establishing a thriving tourism business. For 15 years, she successfully operated this enterprise, demonstrating her business acumen and commitment to fostering economic growth locally.

In November 2015, Bibeau’s political aspirations became a reality when she was sworn in as the Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, a significant appointment within the Canadian government. Her dedication to international cooperation and her proficiency in managing development projects played a vital role in shaping Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy agenda.

Notably, Bibeau’s influence extended beyond Canada’s borders. She served as a member of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Advisory Council on Gender and Development from 2015 to 2017, leveraging her expertise to advocate for gender equality and empower women in international development efforts. Additionally, her commitment to global nutrition led to her appointment by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as a member of the Lead Group of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement in September 2016. Bibeau has also made significant contributions to the protection of children’s rights, serving on the board of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children since 2016.

Recognizing her expertise in health and human rights, Bibeau was selected in 2017 to serve on the World Health Organization/Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights High-Level Working Group on the Health and Human Rights of Women, Children, and Adolescents. Her participation in this esteemed group, chaired by Tarja Halonen and Hina Jilani, further demonstrated her unwavering commitment to championing the rights and well-being of vulnerable populations worldwide.

In March 2019, Marie-Claude Bibeau achieved a significant milestone in her political career when she became the first female Minister of Agriculture in Canada. This appointment showcased her expertise in agricultural policy and her dedication to supporting farmers and rural communities. Throughout her tenure, Bibeau has consistently advocated for sustainable and inclusive agricultural practices, emphasizing the importance of food security and the well-being of those involved in the sector.

Marie-Claude Bibeau’s remarkable journey exemplifies her unwavering commitment to public service, international development, and agricultural prosperity. With her dedication, expertise, and compassionate leadership, she continues to make significant contributions to Canada’s political landscape and the well-being of people both at home and abroad.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Marie-Claude Bibeau's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.