contact Luc Desilets

Representative Luc Desilets Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Luc Desilets, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameLuc Desilets
PartyBloc Québécois
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address45 Grignon Street St-Eustache, Quebec J7P 4X2
fax 1613-992-2602
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Luc Desilets
Luc Desilets MP is a prominent figure in Canadian politics, recognized for his dedicated service as a member of the House of Commons of Canada.

Luc Desilets for Representative

Luc Desilets MP is a prominent figure in Canadian politics, recognized for his dedicated service as a member of the House of Commons of Canada. Born and raised in Canada, Luc Desilets embarked on a remarkable political journey that led him to represent the constituency of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles.

In the year 2019, Luc Desilets achieved a significant milestone in his career when he emerged victorious in the Canadian federal election. Garnering widespread support, he secured his place as a member of the House of Commons, entrusted with the responsibility of serving the people of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles.

Luc Desilets proudly represents the Bloc Québécois, a political party committed to advocating for the interests of the province of Quebec within the Canadian political landscape. With an unwavering dedication to his constituents, he diligently works towards addressing their concerns, advancing their aspirations, and promoting their values on the national stage.

Throughout his tenure as a Member of Parliament, Luc Desilets has demonstrated a deep commitment to public service, striving to create positive change and make a tangible difference in the lives of the people he represents. With a strong voice and a firm grasp of the issues that affect his community, he actively engages in parliamentary debates, advocating for policies and initiatives that resonate with the needs and desires of his constituents.

Luc Desilets’ career as a Canadian politician is marked by his passion for promoting the interests of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles and Quebec as a whole. With a firm belief in the power of democracy and the importance of representation, he continues to work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of his constituents are heard and respected at the highest levels of government.

As a dedicated member of the House of Commons, Luc Desilets MP stands as a testament to the values of public service, political engagement, and the pursuit of a better future for all Canadians. Through his unwavering commitment to his constituents and his determination to effect positive change, he serves as an inspiration to aspiring politicians and a trusted representative for the people of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Luc Desilets's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.