contact Emmanuella Lambropoulos

Representative Emmanuella Lambropoulos Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Emmanuella Lambropoulos, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameEmmanuella Lambropoulos
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address750 Marcel Laurin Blvd Suite 102 Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4M 2M4
fax 1613-996-6562
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Emmanuella Lambropoulos
Emmanuella Lambropoulos was born on September 12, 1990, in the Saint-Laurent borough of Montréal, Canada.

Emmanuella Lambropoulos for Representative

Emmanuella Lambropoulos was born on September 12, 1990, in the Saint-Laurent borough of Montréal, Canada. She is a Canadian politician and has been serving as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Saint-Laurent since 2017. Lambropoulos is a member of the Liberal Party of Canada and was elected to the House of Commons in a by-election, succeeding Stéphane Dion.

During her early years, Lambropoulos attended Gardenview Elementary School, LaurenHill Academy High School, and Vanier College. She excelled academically and received the Program Award upon graduating from Vanier College. She further pursued her education at McGill University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Education degree in 2013. While at McGill, Lambropoulos was the president of the McGill Hellenic Students Association. She later completed her Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from McGill University.

Before entering politics, Lambropoulos worked as a teacher at Rosemount High School, where she taught French and history. Her passion for education and commitment to her community motivated her to become actively involved in politics.

In 2017, Lambropoulos ran for the vacant seat in the riding of Saint-Laurent after Stéphane Dion, the incumbent MP, announced his departure from politics. Lambropoulos, who had previously volunteered on Dion’s team, won the Liberal nomination in a surprising upset, defeating prominent candidates such as Yolande James and Marwah Rizqy. Supported by the Greek community, Lambropoulos was officially elected as an MP in the Saint-Laurent by-election on April 3, 2017, receiving 59.1% of the votes.

Throughout her political career, Lambropoulos has served on several parliamentary committees, including Veterans Affairs, Status of Women, Official Languages, Industry, Science and Technology, Public Safety, and the COVID-19 Pandemic committee. Her work on these committees has focused on important issues such as disabilities, the status of women, domestic violence, barriers to women in politics, and the protection of minority language rights.

Lambropoulos has been re-elected as the MP for Saint-Laurent in subsequent general elections, with significant popular support. She continues to be an advocate for her constituents and has helped organizations within her riding secure grants and employment opportunities through programs like the Canada Summer Jobs program.

In addition to her political endeavors, Lambropoulos is multilingual and fluent in English, French, and Greek. Her linguistic skills have further contributed to her ability to connect with diverse communities and effectively represent her constituents in Saint-Laurent.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Emmanuella Lambropoulos's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.