contact Emmanuel Dubourg

Representative Emmanuel Dubourg Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Emmanuel Dubourg, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameEmmanuel Dubourg
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address5835 Leger Blvd Suite 203 Montreal-Nord, Quebec H1G 6E1
fax 1613-995-9755
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Emmanuel Dubourg
Emmanuel Dubourg MP, a Canadian politician, chartered accountant, and teacher, was born on December 26, 1958, in Saint-Marc, Haiti. In 1974, he emigrated to Canada, beginning a journey that would shape his remarkable career in public service.

Emmanuel Dubourg for Representative

Emmanuel Dubourg MP, a Canadian politician, chartered accountant, and teacher, was born on December 26, 1958, in Saint-Marc, Haiti. In 1974, he emigrated to Canada, beginning a journey that would shape his remarkable career in public service.

Dubourg’s educational pursuits led him to earn a Master of Business Administration from the Université du Québec à Montréal. In 1987, he became a member of the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec, solidifying his expertise as a chartered accountant.

Prior to his political career, Dubourg dedicated himself to education, serving as a teacher at prominent institutions such as the Université du Québec à Montréal, Université du Québec en Outaouais, and CEGEP Montmorency. Throughout his years of service, he received numerous accolades and commendations for his outstanding contributions. Notably, he was honored with the Governor General’s Medal, the Innovation and Excellence prize from Revenue Canada in 1992, and the Black History Month Award in 2006, recognizing his remarkable work within the black community.

Dubourg’s political journey began with a victory in the 2007 Quebec Provincial Election, where he succeeded former Liberal MNA William Cusano to represent the riding of Viau in the National Assembly of Quebec. Following his election, he was appointed as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity, under the leadership of Sam Hamad. Demonstrating his dedication and commitment, he successfully secured re-election in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

In August 2013, Dubourg made the decision to step down from his position in the National Assembly to pursue the nomination for the Liberal Party of Canada in a by-election for the Montreal riding of Bourassa. The by-election was triggered by the resignation of incumbent Denis Coderre, who went on to become the successful mayoral candidate for Montreal. With steadfast support from the constituents, Dubourg emerged victorious on November 25, 2013, securing the role of Liberal Member of Parliament for the Bourassa riding, with an impressive 47% of the votes.

While serving in the House of Commons of Canada, Dubourg took on the role of National Revenue Critic for the Liberal Party, showcasing his expertise and commitment to fiscal matters. Although he did not receive a Cabinet appointment following the Liberal Party’s victory in the 2015 election, he was appointed as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue, serving from December 2015 to January 2017. In this capacity, he continued to make valuable contributions to the government’s efforts in matters of revenue and finance.

Emmanuel Dubourg’s journey is marked by a steadfast commitment to public service, expertise in finance, and a passion for education. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a strong work ethic, an unwavering dedication to his constituents, and a deep sense of community engagement, making him a respected and influential figure in Canadian politics.

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