contact Alexandra Mendès

Representative Alexandra Mendès Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Alexandra Mendès, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameAlexandra Mendès
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address6955 Taschereau Blvd. Suite 225 Brossard, Quebec J4Z 1A7
fax 1613-992-7273
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Alexandra Mendès
Alexandra Mendès MP, born on November 3, 1963, is a prominent Canadian Liberal politician who has dedicated her career to public service.

Alexandra Mendès for Representative

Alexandra Mendès MP, born on November 3, 1963, is a prominent Canadian Liberal politician who has dedicated her career to public service. Currently serving as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Brossard—Saint-Lambert since 2015, Mendès has been actively involved in Canadian politics for over a decade.

Mendès’ political journey began with her work as a constituency assistant to Jacques Saada, a Liberal MP for Brossard—La Prairie, from 1997 to 2006. During this time, she also shared her knowledge and expertise by teaching at the Brossard Portuguese School. In addition, Mendès contributed to the campaign of Bob Rae, serving as his Quebec assistant for eight months during his leadership campaign.

Passionate about social integration and community building, Mendès dedicated fifteen years of her life to working at a settlement organization for new immigrants and refugees called Maison Internationale de la Rive-Sud.

In 2008, Mendès achieved a significant milestone in her political career by being elected to the House of Commons as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Brossard—La Prairie. In a closely contested race, she emerged victorious after a recount ordered by Elections Canada resulted in a narrow margin of victory.

However, Mendès faced defeat in the 2011 election at the hands of NDP candidate Hoang Mai. Undeterred by this setback, she continued to demonstrate her unwavering commitment to the Liberal Party of Canada. In August 2011, Mendès announced her candidacy for the presidency of the party, highlighting her dedication and leadership within the Liberal ranks. Although she was ultimately defeated by Mike Crawley in the presidential race, Mendès remained an influential figure within the party, frequently appearing on television programs such as CTV and CBC’s Power and Politics to represent Liberal views.

In June 2012, Mendès assumed the role of President of the Liberal Party’s Quebec wing, the Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec), further solidifying her influential position within the party.

In the 2015 federal election, Mendès contested the newly created riding of Brossard—Saint-Lambert as the Liberal candidate, once again facing off against Hoang Mai. Her determination and popularity among constituents propelled her to victory, and she returned to the House of Commons as the Member of Parliament for Brossard—Saint-Lambert.

Throughout her political career, Mendès has demonstrated her willingness to take a stand on important issues. On April 6, 2017, she made history by moving a motion during a debate on a Question of Privilege, becoming the first person to do so in Canadian parliamentary history. This decision sparked controversy and divided opinions, but it showcased her commitment to upholding parliamentary rights and processes.

Outside of politics, Mendès has openly expressed her gratitude to the Girl Guides of Canada for shaping her character during her formative years. She firmly believes that her involvement in the organization has played a significant role in shaping the person she is today.

Mendès has not been afraid to voice her opinions on matters of national significance. In February 2019, during an emergency debate on the SNC-Lavalin affair, she made headlines with her comment, “I really do not understand why this is a big deal.” This statement sparked controversy and ignited debate among her colleagues and the public.

In the 2019 Canadian federal election, Mendès secured her re-election, reinforcing her standing as a trusted representative for the people of Brossard—Saint-Lambert.

Recognizing her exceptional contributions, Mendès was appointed as Assistant Deputy Speaker and Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole on December 10, 2019. This new role allows her to play a

crucial part in the parliamentary process and contribute to the smooth functioning of Canadian democracy.

Alexandra Mendès MP continues to serve as a dedicated and influential Member of Parliament, working tirelessly to address the needs and concerns of her constituents and making her mark on Canadian politics.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Alexandra Mendès's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.