contact Robert Oliphant

Representative Robert Oliphant Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Robert Oliphant, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameRobert Oliphant
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address1154 Kingston Road Unit 4 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1B4
fax 1613-993-6587
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Robert Oliphant
Robert Oliphant, PC MP, is a Canadian politician, United Church minister, and a dedicated public servant.

Robert Oliphant for Representative

Robert Oliphant, PC MP, is a Canadian politician, United Church minister, and a dedicated public servant. Born on June 7, 1956, he has made significant contributions to both his community and the political landscape of Canada.

Growing up in Sault Ste. Marie, Oliphant displayed an early passion for knowledge and involvement. He pursued higher education at the University of Toronto, where he studied commerce and art, earning a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1978. During his time at the university, Oliphant actively participated in various extracurricular activities, including rowing on the men’s varsity crew and engaging in music and student politics.

After completing his undergraduate studies, Oliphant returned to Sault Ste. Marie and worked as an accountant in computer systems development at Algoma Steel. However, his true calling lay in serving the community and advocating for social justice. Inspired by his home church, Central United Church in Sault Ste. Marie, he entered the Vancouver School of Theology at the University of British Columbia to pursue his Master of Divinity degree. In 1984, Oliphant was ordained as a United Church minister, embarking on a fulfilling career that took him to various locations, including Montreal, Toronto, Quyon, Quebec, Newfoundland, and Whitehorse.

Between 1999 and 2008, Oliphant was a valued member of the Team Ministry at Eglinton St. George’s United Church in Toronto, a significant congregation within the United Church of Canada. His dedication to fostering interfaith dialogue was recognized in 2004 when he received an award for his continuous work in this field. Eager to deepen his knowledge and understanding, Oliphant earned a Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min.) from the Chicago Theological Seminary on May 17, 2008.

In addition to his church career, Oliphant has actively engaged in political affairs. His involvement in politics began when he served as a senior advisor in the Ontario government. Over the years, he held various positions, including working in the Premier’s office under Premier David Peterson and serving as Executive Assistant and Chief of Staff to two ministers. Oliphant’s commitment to the Liberal Party was evident in his active participation in campaigns at both the federal and provincial levels. He held official positions within the party and played a vital role in several election campaigns, supporting prominent candidates such as Alex Sinclair, Ron Irwin, Margaret Campbell, Roy MacLaren, Carolyn Bennett, Allan Rock, and Shirley Adamson. In 2006, he served as an advisor to Michael Ignatieff’s campaign during the federal leadership race.

Oliphant’s aspirations for political office came to fruition when he sought the federal Liberal nomination for Don Valley West in January 2008. After winning the nomination, he was elected to the House of Commons on October 14, 2008, representing the Toronto riding of Don Valley West. Throughout his political career, Oliphant has held various positions, including Critic for Veterans Affairs and Multiculturalism, and has actively contributed to parliamentary committees and caucuses. His work on issues like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and genetic discrimination has had a lasting impact on the lives of Canadians. He has also been a strong advocate for international relations, serving as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs since May 3, 2019. Oliphant’s dedication and expertise have earned him recognition and respect among his colleagues.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Oliphant cherishes his personal life. He resides in Sherwood Park, Toronto, with his husband, Marco A. Fiola, who is the principal of York University - Glendon Campus. Together, they create a loving and supportive home.

Robert Oliphant continues to

serve his constituents with unwavering commitment, demonstrating his passion for public service and the betterment of Canadian society. His deep-rooted values, combined with his extensive experience in politics and ministry, make him a respected figure and a prominent advocate for the issues that matter most to Canadians.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Robert Oliphant's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.