contact Majid Jowhari

Representative Majid Jowhari Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Majid Jowhari, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameMajid Jowhari
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address100 Mural Street Suite 101 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1J3
fax 1613-996-1954
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Majid Jowhari
Majid Jowhari MP is a Canadian politician known for his dedicated service as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada.

Majid Jowhari for Representative

Majid Jowhari MP is a Canadian politician known for his dedicated service as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada. Born on October 24, 1960, he has been elected in the 2015, 2019, and 2021 Canadian federal elections to represent the electoral district of Richmond Hill. Jowhari is a member of the Liberal Party and holds the distinction of being the first federal nominee and candidate of Iranian heritage. He is recognized as the first Iranian-born Member of Parliament of Iranian heritage, alongside Ali Ehsassi.

Jowhari pursued his education at Ryerson University, where he earned a Bachelor of Technology in industrial engineering. He furthered his studies at York University’s Schulich School of Business, obtaining an MBA degree. From 1995 to 1999, he worked as a licensed professional engineer and later established his own boutique consulting firm. His expertise focused on assisting Fortune 500 companies with large business transition and transformation projects, particularly in the areas of technology-enabled strategies, value chain extension, business process re-engineering, and supply chain optimization. This experience provided him with valuable insights into the business world and positioned him well to support local businesses and organizations in his role as a federal representative. Jowhari actively fosters community and business forums to promote growth and prosperity.

During the 2015 federal election, Jowhari faced a challenge regarding the use of the title “Engineer” due to his license not being renewed when he changed fields. In response, he promptly apologized and donated $5,000 to support the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education, which offers scholarships to engineering students pursuing licensure.

In the 42nd Canadian Parliament, Jowhari’s tenure began after winning the election as the Liberal Party’s candidate for Richmond Hill on September 7, 2014. He successfully secured the position of Member of Parliament during the October 19, 2015, election. Throughout this parliament, Jowhari founded and chaired the Parliamentary Mental Health Caucus. He held roles in various parliamentary committees, associations, and interparliamentary groups, including the Industry, Science and Technology Parliamentary Committee, the Government Operations and Estimates Parliamentary Committee, the Canada-China Legislative Association, the Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group, and the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association.

Mental health advocacy has been a significant focus of Jowhari’s parliamentary work. In recognition of his contributions, the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) designated him as a Parliamentary Mental Health Champion in 2018. Jowhari drafted and introduced legislation aimed at incorporating mental health into pre-sentencing reports within the criminal code. He established the Liberal Mental Health Caucus in 2016, which later expanded to become the Parliamentary Mental Health Caucus in 2018. Through collaboration with parliamentarians from all parties and senators, Jowhari strives to prioritize mental health discussions and initiatives within the government.

Jowhari’s dedication to diplomatic efforts aligns with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s commitment to establishing diplomatic relations with Iran after the 2015 federal election. Accepting the request to sponsor a parliamentary e-petition titled “E-553 (Iran),” Jowhari actively supported the re-establishment of diplomatic relations and consular services between Canada and Iran, including the reopening of embassies in both countries. He was engaged in discussions with an Iranian delegation, expressing his concerns about human rights in Iran during their visit to Canada.

In the 43rd Canadian Parliament, Jowhari was re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Richmond Hill in the October 21, 2019, election. Despite the narrow margin of victory, with only 212 votes separating him from the Conservative

candidate Costas Menegakis, Jowhari continued his parliamentary endeavors. He sponsored one private member bill, Bill C-207, also known as “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (presentence report),” which sought to include an offender’s mental condition relevant to sentencing in presentence reports. Although the bill did not proceed to a vote, it demonstrated Jowhari’s commitment to addressing mental health issues in the justice system.

Notably, Jowhari tabled a Private Member’s Motion, referred to as Motion M-36, on March 9, 2020. This motion aimed to establish August 1 as ‘Emancipation Day’ across Canada, acknowledging the historical significance of the abolition of slavery. Collaborating with Nova Scotia Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard, Jowhari actively sought support and momentum for the motion. He advocated for Canada to address its history of slavery and consider initiatives or reparations to reconcile the past. Although the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily altered the trajectory of Motion M-36, Jowhari encouraged ongoing commitment to the cause of inclusivity, diversity, and the representation of Emancipation Day’s history in schools and institutions.

In the 44th Canadian Parliament, Jowhari achieved his third consecutive re-election as the Member of Parliament for Richmond Hill on September 20, 2021. This time, he secured a significant margin of victory, with 4,069 votes separating him from his closest rival. His dedication to serving the constituents of Richmond Hill continues to drive his commitment to advocacy, community development, and parliamentary responsibilities.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Majid Jowhari's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.