contact Lloyd Longfield

Representative Lloyd Longfield Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Lloyd Longfield, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameLloyd Longfield
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address103-111 Farquhar Street Guelph, Ontario N1H 3N4
fax 1613-996-9922
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Lloyd Longfield
Lloyd Longfield, born on October 8, 1956, is a dedicated Canadian Liberal politician who has made significant contributions to his constituency of Guelph in the House of Commons of Canada.

Lloyd Longfield for Representative

Lloyd Longfield, born on October 8, 1956, is a dedicated Canadian Liberal politician who has made significant contributions to his constituency of Guelph in the House of Commons of Canada. His political journey began in the 2015 federal election when he was elected to represent the riding of Guelph, succeeding Liberal MP Frank Valeriote, who had chosen not to seek re-election.

Hailing from Winnipeg, Lloyd Longfield relocated to Guelph in 1992, establishing strong roots in the community. He holds a BA in English and Mathematics from the esteemed University of Manitoba and a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Red River College, showcasing his diverse academic background and the depth of his knowledge.

Before venturing into federal politics, Longfield demonstrated exceptional leadership as the president of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce for approximately eight years. His tenure at the Chamber of Commerce allowed him to understand the needs and concerns of the business community, honing his ability to advocate for economic growth and prosperity in Guelph.

Longfield’s political career reached new heights in the 2015 federal election when he triumphantly retained the Guelph seat in the House of Commons for the Liberals. His victory was marked by an overwhelming margin, securing nearly 50 percent of the popular vote and leading the Conservative candidate, Gloria Kovach, by over 15,000 votes.

A man of his word, Longfield made certain promises upon his election. He pledged to vote in favor of increased funding for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), recognizing the importance of a robust public broadcaster in shaping public discourse and promoting Canadian culture. Additionally, he vowed to halt the phase-out of door-to-door mail delivery, an issue that resonated with Canadians who rely on this essential service. This commitment was in alignment with the Liberal platform outlined by Justin Trudeau in a September 25, 2015 letter, highlighting their intention to safeguard Canadians’ access to reliable postal services.

In recognition of his dedication and unwavering commitment to his constituents, Longfield was re-elected in the 2019 federal election, continuing to serve the people of Guelph with passion and integrity.

Beyond his political pursuits, Lloyd Longfield finds solace and joy in his personal life. He shares a fulfilling partnership with his wife, Barbara, and together they have been blessed with three daughters and four beloved grandchildren. This support system undoubtedly fuels Longfield’s drive to build a better future for all Canadians, ensuring their prosperity and well-being.

Lloyd Longfield’s journey as a Liberal politician has been marked by a steadfast dedication to his constituents and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. With his diverse background, strong community ties, and an unyielding commitment to his principles, he continues to serve as a beacon of hope for the people of Guelph and a tireless advocate for progress and inclusivity in the House of Commons of Canada.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Lloyd Longfield's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.