contact Lisa Hepfner

Representative Lisa Hepfner Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Lisa Hepfner, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameLisa Hepfner
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address1A-1394 Upper Gage Ave Hamilton, Ontario L8W 1E7
fax 1613-992-7802
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Lisa Hepfner
Lisa Hepfner MP, born in 1971, is a distinguished Canadian politician known for her exceptional service to the people of Hamilton Mountain.

Lisa Hepfner for Representative

Lisa Hepfner MP, born in 1971, is a distinguished Canadian politician known for her exceptional service to the people of Hamilton Mountain. Her remarkable journey began when she triumphantly won the election to represent the riding in the House of Commons of Canada during the highly anticipated 2021 Canadian federal election.

Before entering the political arena, Lisa Hepfner pursued a successful career as a television news journalist for CHCH News. With her dedication, integrity, and unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and reliable information, she garnered respect and admiration from both colleagues and viewers alike.

As a Member of Parliament, Lisa Hepfner continues to demonstrate her passion for public service and her strong advocacy for the residents of Hamilton Mountain. Her unwavering dedication to the betterment of her constituents’ lives is evident in her tireless efforts to address their concerns, fight for their rights, and champion their interests within the House of Commons.

With her extensive background in journalism, Lisa Hepfner brings a unique perspective to her political role, ensuring transparency and accountability in her work. Her ability to effectively communicate complex issues and engage with diverse stakeholders allows her to bridge gaps and foster meaningful dialogue, ultimately leading to positive change.

Lisa Hepfner’s leadership qualities shine through her unwavering commitment to serving her constituents and making a tangible difference in their lives. She consistently strives to promote inclusivity, diversity, and equality, advocating for policies and initiatives that uplift marginalized communities and create opportunities for all.

Beyond her political endeavors, Lisa Hepfner is an active community member who understands the importance of grassroots engagement. She values the power of collaboration and actively seeks out partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community leaders to ensure that the voices of Hamilton Mountain are heard and represented.

Throughout her career, Lisa Hepfner MP has proven herself to be a dedicated public servant, a compassionate advocate, and an exemplary leader. With her passion, determination, and genuine care for her constituents, she continues to make a profound impact on the lives of the people she serves, earning the trust and admiration of her fellow Canadians.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Lisa Hepfner's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.