contact Julie Dabrusin

Representative Julie Dabrusin Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Julie Dabrusin, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameJulie Dabrusin
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address1028 Queen Street East Toronto, Ontario M4M 1K4
fax 1613-992-9389
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Julie Dabrusin
Julie A. Dabrusin[1] MP, born on April 16, 1971, is a Canadian Liberal politician known for her dedicated service and commitment to her constituents.

Julie Dabrusin for Representative

Julie A. Dabrusin MP, born on April 16, 1971, is a Canadian Liberal politician known for her dedicated service and commitment to her constituents. She was elected as the representative for the Toronto—Danforth riding in the House of Commons of Canada during the 2015 federal election, a remarkable achievement that has allowed her to advocate for the interests of her community on a national level.

Dabrusin’s educational journey led her to pursue degrees in law and Middle Eastern studies, providing her with a strong foundation for her future endeavors. For 13 years, she worked as an attorney at Rogers Partners LLP, demonstrating her legal acumen and dedication to justice. During this time, she also served as commission counsel to an inquiry focused on government procurement, showcasing her commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in public affairs.

In 1998, Dabrusin and her family made the decision to move to the Danforth area, a vibrant and diverse community in Toronto. In 2011, she made a personal choice to step away from her legal career to prioritize raising her two daughters. This decision, however, did not deter her from actively participating in various community organizing and charitable initiatives centered around the promotion and preservation of Toronto’s public parks. Her dedication to public service was recognized in 2013 when she received the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Driven by a passion for addressing income inequality and advocating for neglected urban areas in Canada, Dabrusin accepted the nomination as the Liberal Party candidate for the Toronto—Danforth riding in the 2015 federal election. Her campaign resonated with constituents who sought a strong voice to represent their concerns, resulting in a significant victory. In an unexpected turn, Dabrusin successfully unseated the New Democratic Party (NDP) incumbent, Craig Scott, in what was traditionally considered a safe seat for the NDP. Toronto—Danforth, previously held by the respected NDP leader Jack Layton, has historically been known as one of the more left-leaning ridings in Toronto.

Throughout her political career, Julie A. Dabrusin has remained steadfast in her commitment to serving her constituents and advocating for a fair and inclusive society. Her unwavering dedication to public service, coupled with her diverse background and experiences, continues to shape her role as a prominent figure in Canadian politics.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Julie Dabrusin's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.