contact Jennifer O'Connell

Representative Jennifer O'Connell Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jennifer O'Connell, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameJennifer O'Connell
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address1154 Kingston Road Unit 4 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1B4
fax 1613-993-6587
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Jennifer O'Connell
Jennifer O'Connell MP, born in 1983, is a distinguished Canadian Liberal politician known for her dedication to public service.

Jennifer O'Connell for Representative

Jennifer O’Connell MP, born in 1983, is a distinguished Canadian Liberal politician known for her dedication to public service. Her remarkable journey began when she was elected to represent the riding of Pickering—Uxbridge in the House of Commons of Canada during the 2015 federal election.

O’Connell’s passion for politics was evident from an early age. She pursued her academic endeavors at the prestigious University of Toronto, where she successfully obtained a degree in political science. With a keen interest in law and labor relations, she embarked on a career path that led her to clerk at a prominent law firm specializing in labor relations.

While climbing the professional ladder, O’Connell remained connected to her community. She decided to immerse herself in municipal politics in Pickering, a decision that would lay the foundation for her future achievements. In 2006, her commitment and vision resonated with the citizens, and she was elected to the city council representing Ward 1.

O’Connell’s outstanding performance and dedication earned her re-election in 2010 and 2014, showcasing the trust and respect she had gained from her constituents. By the time she was elected to the House of Commons, she had also assumed the esteemed role of the city’s deputy mayor.

In March 2014, O’Connell received an invitation from the local Liberal riding association, urging her to consider running as their candidate in the upcoming federal election. Initially, she declined the offer, intending to focus on her re-election at the municipal level. However, after the municipal elections concluded in October 2014, she was approached once again.

Recognizing the potential to effect change on a broader scale, O’Connell embraced the opportunity and agreed to seek the Liberal nomination. Her determination and unwavering commitment resonated with the party members, ultimately leading to her victory in the nomination process in January 2015.

Since entering the House of Commons, Jennifer O’Connell MP has continued to champion the values and principles that fueled her political journey. Through her legislative work and community engagement, she remains dedicated to serving her constituents and advocating for their interests at the national level. With her unwavering commitment to public service, Jennifer O’Connell MP has become a respected figure in Canadian politics and an inspiring role model for aspiring leaders.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Jennifer O'Connell's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.