contact Francesco Sorbara

Representative Francesco Sorbara Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Francesco Sorbara, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameFrancesco Sorbara
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address8633 Weston Road Suite 6A Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 9R6
fax 1613-996-4973
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Francesco Sorbara
Francesco Sorbara MP, born on February 28, 1971, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for his notable contributions to public service.

Francesco Sorbara for Representative

Francesco Sorbara MP, born on February 28, 1971, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for his notable contributions to public service. His unwavering dedication to his constituents and commitment to the betterment of his community have firmly established him as a prominent figure in Canadian politics.

Sorbara’s political journey took flight when he secured a resounding victory in the 2015 federal election, emerging as the elected representative of the esteemed riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge in the House of Commons. With this achievement, he earned the privilege of advocating for the concerns and interests of his fellow citizens on a national level.

In recognition of his remarkable abilities and leadership qualities, Sorbara was entrusted with the significant responsibility of serving as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue. In this role, he demonstrated exceptional acumen and played a pivotal role in shaping and implementing crucial policies related to revenue generation and management at the national level.

Within the House of Commons, Sorbara has been an active participant in various committees, contributing his expertise and insights to important matters. He serves on the distinguished House of Commons Standing Committee of Public Accounts, where he diligently scrutinizes government expenditures and ensures accountability and transparency in the management of public funds. Additionally, he is an esteemed member of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, championing the values of openness, integrity, and privacy protection.

Sorbara’s engagement in economic matters is commendable, as he holds the position of an associate member of the House of Commons Standing Committee of Finance. Through his involvement, he actively contributes to the development of sound fiscal policies and strategies that drive economic growth and prosperity for all Canadians.

Recognizing the significance of international collaboration, Sorbara holds the esteemed role of Vice-Chair of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group. In this capacity, he fosters dialogue and cooperation between the two nations, promoting mutual understanding and shared interests. Moreover, he serves as an executive member of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association, facilitating constructive exchanges and strengthening ties between Canada and Europe.

Francesco Sorbara’s unwavering dedication, comprehensive expertise, and remarkable leadership have propelled him to the forefront of Canadian politics. With his unwavering commitment to public service and tireless efforts to bring about positive change, he continues to be a steadfast advocate for his constituents and a driving force behind the development and progress of Canada as a nation.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Francesco Sorbara's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.