contact Dean Allison

Representative Dean Allison Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Dean Allison, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameDean Allison
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address4994 King Street Beamsville, Ontario L0R 1B0
fax 1613-992-2727
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Dean Allison
Dean Allison, a Canadian politician and member of the Conservative Party of Canada, was born on February 18, 1965, in London, Ontario.

Dean Allison for Representative

Dean Allison, a Canadian politician and member of the Conservative Party of Canada, was born on February 18, 1965, in London, Ontario. He has served as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons since the 2004 federal election, representing the riding of Niagara West—Glanbrook, which is now known as Niagara West.

Early Life and Career

Dean Allison grew up in London, Ontario, and obtained a degree in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University. After graduating, he made a name for himself in the Niagara region by establishing businesses and working for a major franchise organization. In addition to his political career, Allison also owns a private equity firm that provides support to small businesses and startups.

Community Involvement

Beyond his political responsibilities, Dean Allison has actively engaged in various community organizations. He has served as the president of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, he has been involved as a director of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and a board member of Junior Achievement in Niagara. Furthermore, Allison played a crucial role as a founding member of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption in Canada and the Belarus’ Children of Chernobyl program, which brings children affected by the Chernobyl disaster to Canada.

Political Career

Dean Allison first entered federal politics in 2000, running as the Canadian Alliance candidate in the Erie-Lincoln riding. Although he received a significant 37.1% of the vote, he was narrowly defeated by the Liberal candidate John Maloney. Undeterred, Allison persevered and successfully ran as the Conservative candidate for Niagara West-Glanbrook in the 2004 election. Since then, he has been re-elected in each subsequent federal election.

With the redistribution of riding boundaries in 2015, the riding name was changed to Niagara West, encompassing Grimsby, Lincoln, West Lincoln, Wainfleet, Pelham, and a portion of west St. Catharines. In the most recent federal election held in 2021, Dean Allison secured his seventh consecutive victory, ensuring his return to the House of Commons as the Member of Parliament for Niagara West.

Member of Parliament

Throughout his tenure in office, Dean Allison has actively participated in parliamentary committees and associations. He has served on the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Standing Committee on International Trade, and he previously chaired the Standing Committee on Human Resources Skills Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities. Furthermore, he has contributed his expertise as a member of the advisory panel on the Funding of Officers of Parliament.

In the 42nd Parliament, Allison held the position of Shadow Minister for International Trade and served as the vice-chair of the Standing Committee on International Trade. Additionally, he became a director of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly, further expanding his involvement in international affairs.

Throughout his career, Dean Allison has introduced several legislative initiatives in Parliament. Notable examples include a bill aimed at removing the faint hope clause from the Criminal Code, motions advocating for the entrenchment of property rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and efforts to raise awareness of Anaphylaxis.

In March 2014, Dean Allison found himself among thirteen Canadians banned from traveling to Russia due to retaliatory sanctions imposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Furthermore, following the introduction of a vaccine mandate in the House of Commons, Allison claimed a medical exemption and opted to attend House meetings virtually.

In February 2023, Dean Allison, along with fellow Conservative MPs Leslyn Lewis and Colin Carrie, came under scrutiny for having dinner with Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament representing Alternative for Germany. Anderson’s party and its Islamophobic and antisemitic positions drew condemnation from various organizations, including the Centre for Israel and

Jewish Affairs, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. In response, Allison, Lewis, and Carrie released a joint statement expressing their unawareness of Anderson’s views and their condemnation of racist and hateful ideologies.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Dean Allison's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.