contact Ahmed Hussen

Representative Ahmed Hussen Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Ahmed Hussen, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameAhmed Hussen
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address48 Rosemount Avenue Unit B York, Ontario M9N 3B3
fax 1613-992-2949
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Ahmed Hussen
Ahmed Hussen PC MP is a Canadian lawyer and politician.

Ahmed Hussen for Representative

Ahmed Hussen PC MP is a Canadian lawyer and politician. He has held various prominent positions in the Canadian government and is known for his contributions to housing, diversity, and inclusion. Hussen has been serving as the Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion since October 26, 2021. He is a member of the Liberal Party and represents the riding of York South—Weston in the House of Commons.

Hussen was born and raised in Mogadishu, Somalia, where he experienced the hardships of the civil war. At the age of 15, he and his family were forced to flee Somalia, leaving everything behind. They sought refuge in Kenya before eventually settling in Canada as refugees. Hussen arrived in Toronto in 1994 and began building a new life for himself.

Education played a crucial role in Hussen’s journey. Despite facing challenges due to government policies that delayed his permanent residency status, he pursued his education with determination. He completed his secondary schooling in Hamilton and went on to earn a BA in History from York University. Later, he obtained a law degree from the University of Ottawa and specialized in immigration and criminal law.

Throughout his career, Hussen has been deeply involved in public service and advocacy. He started his political journey as a volunteer in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. He worked closely with Ontario Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty and played a vital role in policy development and communication. Hussen also contributed to youth engagement in national security issues as part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s committee.

In addition to his political involvement, Hussen founded the Regent Park Community Council, which played a crucial role in the revitalization and redevelopment of Regent Park, one of Canada’s largest initiatives of its kind. He tirelessly worked to protect the interests of the community’s residents, numbering over 15,000.

Hussen’s commitment to fostering harmony and understanding between different communities is evident through his leadership role in the Canadian Somali Congress (CSC). As the national president, he initiated groundbreaking projects, such as the Canadian Somali-Jewish Mentorship Project and the Somali Women Scholarship Program. These initiatives aimed to bridge gaps and provide support and opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds.

In 2015, Hussen made history by becoming the first Somali-Canadian elected to the House of Commons. He represented the riding of York South—Weston as a Member of Parliament (MP) and went on to hold significant ministerial positions. From 2017 to 2019, he served as the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, where he played a pivotal role in shaping immigration policies. Later, he became the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, focusing on issues affecting Canadian families.

Following the 2021 federal election, Hussen was appointed as the Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion. In this role, he continues to contribute to the development of housing policies and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusivity in Canada.

Hussen’s dedication and accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and honors for his public service. The Toronto Star recognized him as one of the 10 individuals who have made significant contributions to Toronto, and he was presented with the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards, celebrating the achievements of immigrants who have chosen Canada as their home. Additionally, he has been honored with the Queen’s Gold and Diamond Jubilee medals and received the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Authority Award for his advocacy work in Regent Park.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Ahmed Hussen's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.