contact Lena Metlege Diabt

Representative Lena Metlege Diabt Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Lena Metlege Diabt, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameLena Metlege Diabt
StateNova Scotia
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address401-3845 Joseph Howe Dr Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 4H9
fax 1613-996-6988
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Lena Metlege Diabt
Lena Metlege Diab, a Canadian politician, was born in 1965. She gained recognition as a member of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party, serving as a representative in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly after her election in the 2013 provincial election. Her constituency was Halifax Armdale, a role she fulfilled until 2021.

Lena Metlege Diabt for Representative

Lena Metlege Diab, a Canadian politician, was born in 1965. She gained recognition as a member of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party, serving as a representative in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly after her election in the 2013 provincial election. Her constituency was Halifax Armdale, a role she fulfilled until 2021.

In the 2021 Nova Scotia general election, Diab made the decision not to seek another term in the provincial legislature. Instead, she chose to run as the Liberal Party of Canada candidate for the Halifax West riding in the 2021 Canadian federal election.

Early Life and Career Born in Halifax, Diab was the daughter of first-generation Lebanese immigrants. At the age of two, she moved to Lebanon but returned to Halifax at eleven years old to escape the Lebanese Civil War.

Diab completed her undergraduate studies at Saint Mary’s University in 1985, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and political science. During this time, she worked as a page at the Nova Scotia Legislature.

She furthered her education at Dalhousie University, where she obtained a Master of Public Administration in 1987 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1990. Diab practiced law and managed a small business in Halifax. She is the proud mother of four children who actively participate in local sports and community organizations in Nova Scotia.

Diab has established herself as a prominent community leader and volunteer. Her contributions have been acknowledged through various accolades, including the “Outstanding Professional of the Year” award (2010) from the Canadian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the “Mainland North Champion Award” (2010), the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2013), and the “Nova Scotia Provincial Volunteer Award” (2013). She served as the President of the Canadian Lebanon Society of Halifax for many years and played a crucial role in organizing the 75th Anniversary celebrations held throughout Halifax in 2013.

Political Career Diab’s political career took off when she successfully ran for the riding of Halifax Armdale in the 2013 Nova Scotia general election as a representative of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party. Following her election, on October 22, 2013, she was appointed to the Executive Council of Nova Scotia, assuming the roles of Minister of Justice, Attorney General, Minister of Immigration, and various other cabinet responsibilities. Diab made history as the first female Attorney General in Nova Scotia and the first Lebanese Canadian to hold a cabinet position in the province.

Premier Stephen McNeil reshuffled his cabinet on July 24, 2015, with Diab continuing as Minister of Immigration but being reassigned from the position of Minister of Justice.

Another cabinet shuffle occurred on June 15, 2017, with Diab retaining her position as Minister of Immigration while taking on an additional role as Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie.

On October 13, 2020, in response to the resignation of three Ministers who entered the leadership race to replace Premier McNeil, Diab received an expanded role as Minister of Labour and Advanced Education in the cabinet reshuffle.

On February 23, 2021, Iain Rankin was sworn in as Nova Scotia’s 29th premier, bringing forth a new cabinet. Diab continued her roles as Minister of Labour and Advanced Education, Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, and retained her position as Minister of Immigration and Population Growth, which had been newly renamed.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Lena Metlege Diabt's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.