contact Jaime Battiste

Representative Jaime Battiste Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jaime Battiste, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameJaime Battiste
StateNova Scotia
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address207A-201 Churchill Drive Membertou First Nation (Sydney), Nova Scotia B1S 2N9
fax 1613-995-2963
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Jaime Battiste
Jaime Battiste MP, born in 1979, is a prominent Canadian politician and a member of the Liberal Party. He gained national recognition when he was elected as the Member of Parliament representing the riding of Sydney—Victoria in the House of Commons of Canada during the 2019 Canadian federal election.

Jaime Battiste for Representative

Jaime Battiste MP, born in 1979, is a prominent Canadian politician and a member of the Liberal Party. He gained national recognition when he was elected as the Member of Parliament representing the riding of Sydney—Victoria in the House of Commons of Canada during the 2019 Canadian federal election. Notably, Battiste holds the distinction of being the first Mi’kmaw Member of Parliament in Canada, making his achievement significant for both his community and the nation as a whole.

Battiste’s early life was shaped by his diverse heritage. He is the son of Chickasaw legal scholar James (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson and Miꞌkmaq scholar Marie Battiste, which provided him with a deep appreciation for Indigenous cultures and issues. Battiste pursued his education at Dalhousie Law School, where he honed his legal skills and gained a comprehensive understanding of the Canadian legal system.

Before embarking on his political career, Battiste spent his formative years in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and completed his studies at Evan Hardy Collegiate in 1997. His experiences and education laid the foundation for his future advocacy and commitment to public service.

In April 2019, Battiste made a significant decision to seek the Liberal nomination in Sydney—Victoria for the upcoming federal election. His passion for representing his community and addressing their needs propelled him forward. After a successful nomination campaign, Battiste emerged as the chosen Liberal candidate on July 13, 2019.

During his campaign, Battiste faced a controversy stemming from past comments he had made on social media. In 2012, he posted tweets that were inappropriate and offensive, including remarks about Aboriginal individuals and sexual assault. Recognizing the gravity of his past statements, Battiste publicly apologized for his words, acknowledging the hurt they may have caused. Despite the controversy, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau decided to stand by Battiste and retained him as the Liberal candidate, recognizing his commitment to learn from his mistakes and grow as an individual.

On October 21, 2019, Jaime Battiste made history by winning the election and securing his position as the Member of Parliament for Sydney—Victoria. This achievement marked a significant milestone for the Mi’kmaw community and served as an inspiration to Indigenous individuals across the country. Battiste’s victory not only demonstrated his ability to connect with his constituents but also showcased the growing inclusivity within Canadian politics.

Continuing his commitment to public service, Battiste’s contributions were recognized when he was appointed as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations on December 3, 2021. This appointment solidified his dedication to addressing the concerns and rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada and highlighted his ability to effect positive change within the government.

Jaime Battiste MP’s journey is characterized by his unwavering dedication to public service, his advocacy for Indigenous communities, and his determination to learn from past mistakes. As the first Mi’kmaw Member of Parliament, he remains a trailblazer, inspiring others to break barriers and strive for a more inclusive and equitable society

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Jaime Battiste's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.