contact Peter Julian

Representative Peter Julian Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Peter Julian, including phone number, and mailing address.

NamePeter Julian
StateBritish Columbia
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address888 Carnarvon Street Suite 110 New Westminster, British Columbia V3M 0C6
fax 1613-947-9500
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Peter Julian
Peter S. Julian MP, born on April 16, 1962, in New Westminster, British Columbia, is a prominent figure in Canadian politics. He is a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and serves as a Member of Parliament representing the riding of New Westminster—Burnaby.

Peter Julian for Representative

Peter S. Julian MP, born on April 16, 1962, in New Westminster, British Columbia, is a prominent figure in Canadian politics. He is a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and serves as a Member of Parliament representing the riding of New Westminster—Burnaby.

Coming from a family of intellectuals and achievers, Peter Julian was born to Terry and Ruth Julian. His father, Terry, was a respected school administrator, historian, and author, and even received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 2002. Growing up, Peter had the support of his sister, Randi, and brother, Patrick.

Before embarking on his political career, Julian gained valuable experiences in various work settings. He held positions as a financial administrator and worked as a manual laborer at an oil refinery, factories, and small businesses. These experiences exposed him to different aspects of society and deepened his understanding of the challenges faced by working-class Canadians.

Peter Julian possesses remarkable linguistic abilities, being fluent in both English and French. He is also functional in American Sign Language, showcasing his dedication to effective communication. Currently residing in the 10th Avenue area of New Westminster, Julian completed his education at New Westminster Secondary School. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in political science, specializing in International Relations, from the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Julian’s political journey began in 2002 when he ran for the City Council in New Westminster, British Columbia. Although he narrowly missed securing a spot on the council by 74 votes, his dedication to public service did not waver. He then sought the New Democratic Party nomination in the Burnaby—New Westminster riding. On March 7, 2004, Julian emerged victorious in the NDP’s candidate selection for the 2004 federal election. In the general election, he triumphed over Mary Pynenburg from the Liberal Party of Canada by a margin of only 329 votes. His commitment to his constituents led to his re-election in 2006 and subsequent victories in the federal elections of 2008 and 2011.

Beyond his parliamentary duties, Julian has actively engaged with the community, co-founding the Save St. Mary’s Hospital Community Coalition. He played a crucial role in the establishment of the BC Disability Employment Network and the Burnaby-New Westminster Council of Canadians. Additionally, he has volunteered for various local organizations such as Emergency Social Services, Royal City Soccer, East Burnaby Minor Baseball, the United Way, and the United Church of Canada.

Within the New Democratic Party, Julian has held several notable positions, including Energy and Natural Resources Critic in the Shadow Cabinet. He has also served as a critic for International Trade, Transportation, Persons with Disabilities, Treasury Board, Western Fisheries, Industry, and the 2010 Vancouver-Whistler Olympics. Moreover, he acted as the Deputy NDP Caucus Chair. During the 2011–12 NDP leadership race, Julian assumed the role of the NDP’s Finance Critic before returning to the position of Energy Critic.

Julian has been vocal about safeguarding Canada’s sovereignty and has staunchly opposed the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). In his role as NDP Transport Critic, he successfully led the fight in the House of Commons against the SMS transport safety bill, which he believed would compromise safety by delegating it to air transport companies. Furthermore, he initiated an NDP task force to connect and consult with diverse Canadian immigrant communities, aiming to better understand the challenges they face.

Recognized for his unwavering dedication, Peter Julian has been praised as one of the hardest working politicians in the region by The Georgia Straight newspaper. During the 39th Parliament, he ranked an impressive third out of 308 MPs in terms of bills, votes, and speeches.

Despite the NDP’s third-place performance in the 2015 federal election, Julian was re-elected and appointed as the NDP House Leader by party leader Tom Mulcair. Demonstrating his commitment to public service, Julian registered to run in the NDP leadership race to succeed Mulcair. However, he withdrew from the race in July 2017 after facing fundraising challenges. Julian wholeheartedly endorsed Jagmeet Singh as the leader of the NDP.

In a significant development, on January 31, 2018, Julian was named the finance critic in the NDP shadow cabinet by party leader Jagmeet Singh. Later, on March 14, 2019, he was also appointed House Leader of the NDP and energy critic, further solidifying his role as a key figure within the party.

Peter S. Julian MP’s relentless dedication to public service, his deep understanding of various issues, and his tireless advocacy for his constituents make him a formidable force in Canadian politics. With his continued commitment and leadership, he strives to make a positive impact on the lives of Canadians and bring about meaningful change in the country.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Peter Julian's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.