contact ziad Aboultaif

Representative ziad Aboultaif Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative ziad Aboultaif, including phone number, and mailing address.

Nameziad Aboultaif
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address5515 130 Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta T5A 1B7
fax 1613-992-0973
emailEmail Form
Contact representative ziad Aboultaif
Ziad Aboultaif MP is a Canadian politician who has been representing the riding of Edmonton Manning in the House of Commons since the 2015 federal election. He was born on September 10, 1966.

ziad Aboultaif for Representative

On This Page

Ziad Aboultaif MP (Arabic: زياد أبو لطيف) is a Canadian politician who has been representing the riding of Edmonton Manning in the House of Commons since the 2015 federal election. He was born on September 10, 1966.

Aboultaif arrived in Canada in 1990 and started working as a labourer. He gradually worked his way up from warehouse to office, eventually becoming a co-owner and co-manager of Axxess Furniture Inc., an Edmonton-based furniture distribution business. He ran the business successfully for 12 years before entering politics.

In the 2015 federal election, Aboultaif ran as a Conservative candidate and won the Edmonton Manning seat, based on his experience as a small business owner. He focused on supporting small businesses and strengthening the economy through lower taxes. He also pledged support for pipeline development and reducing the cost of living.

During his time in Parliament, Aboultaif served on several committees, including International Trade, Government Operations and Estimates, COVID-19 Pandemic, Foreign Affairs and International Development, Finance, and National Revenue. He held several shadow ministerial roles, including National Revenue, International Development, and Digital Government.

Aboultaif won re-election in 2019, with a platform that continued to focus on supporting small businesses and pipeline development. In early 2021, he introduced a symbolic motion in Parliament supporting Canada’s oil and gas sector industries.

Aboultaif is known for his work on increasing awareness of organ and tissue donation. In 2003, he made a partial-liver donation to his son. He introduced a Private Members Bill, C-223, to establish a Canadian Organ Donor Registry to coordinate and promote organ donation throughout Canada, but the bill was ultimately unsuccessful.

Aboultaif is married to his wife Elizabeth and has two sons. He has earned both an Alberta Centennial Medal (2005) and a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) for his work on community boards. Aboultaif is of Druze descent.


As a young man, Ziad left his native Lebanon to move to Canada, arriving amidst the cold and snow of an Edmonton winter. It didn’t take long for him to realize his values aligned with Canadian values, observing the freedoms and opportunities that exist within this great nation. Wanting to fully immerse himself, he became a Canadian citizen knowing he wanted to give back to the country he has grown to love.

The Environment

As a father, Ziad knows we have a responsibility to treat our planet wisely and responsibly. We are stewards, not owners, entrusted with the responsible care for our environment to pass on to the next generation. Albertans can be proud of our ethical oil and clean technologies – though we can always work together to do better.

Organ Donation

Ziad has long been an advocate for organ and tissue donation, and in 2003 made a partial-liver donation. He believes organ donation is the ultimate gift and commitment to life. In Parliament, Ziad works to increase awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation. His ultimately unsuccessful Private Members Bill, C-223, would have established a Canadian Organ Donor Registry to coordinate and promote organ donation throughout Canada. He continues as an advocate on the issue, raising awareness of the cause.

Small Business

Ziad started working as a labourer on arrival in Canada. He learned the business from the ground up, moving from warehouse to office – eventually opening a business of his own. He knows the challenges of meeting a payroll, of dealing with customers and suppliers and working hard to achieve success. He feels government should create a climate where business can succeed, as business is the economic driver of a healthy economy.

Human Rights

As a member of a minority group, Ziad knows first-hand that society has inequalities, both in Canada and around the world. He sees respect for all, with justice and equality as key to a healthy society. Furthermore, he believes Canada has a role to play on the international stage, ensuring that all nations live up to their international human rights commitments.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative ziad Aboultaif's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.