contact Tom Kmiec

Representative Tom Kmiec Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Tom Kmiec, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameTom Kmiec
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address12221-44 Street SE Unit 40A Calgary, Alberta T2Z 4H3
fax 1613-992-0883
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Tom Kmiec
Tomasz Kmiec MP is a Polish-Canadian politician who currently serves as the Member of Parliament for Calgary Shepard in the House of Commons of Canada under the Conservative Party of Canada.

Tom Kmiec for Representative

Tomasz Kmiec MP is a Polish-Canadian politician who currently serves as the Member of Parliament for Calgary Shepard in the House of Commons of Canada under the Conservative Party of Canada. He is also the Shadow Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Refugees.

Kmiec was born on July 31, 1981, in Gdańsk, Poland. His family immigrated to Canada and settled in Quebec where he was raised and educated in the French education system as part of the Bill 101 reforms. Kmiec is fluent in both of Canada’s official languages. In 2005, he moved to Calgary, where he is raising his three children.

Kmiec graduated from Concordia University in Montreal with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. He then earned his master’s degree in American Government with a concentration in Terrorism and Homeland Security from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Kmiec began his political career as an intern in the office of then Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Stephen Harper. He has since worked for cabinet ministers federally and provincially in Alberta. Before being elected as the MP for Calgary Shepard in the 2015 Canadian federal election, Kmiec was the manager of policy and research with the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and worked for the Human Resources Institute of Alberta.

Kmiec has served on several important committees in Parliament, including the Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations, the Foreign Affairs and International Development Committee, and the Finance Committee. In September 2017, Kmiec was moved from his role as Deputy Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Deputy Shadow Minister for Finance.

Kmiec has been active in a range of social and economic issues. He has been vocal about the Liberal government’s mortgage lending rules, increases to mortgage insurance fees charged by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and the B-20 Mortgage Stress Test. He has also advocated for expanding unpaid bereavement leave for parents. On the other hand, Kmiec has been identified by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada as a Member of Parliament with an anti-abortion stance. He voted in support of Bill C-233, which would make it a criminal offence for a medical practitioner to perform an abortion knowing that the abortion is sought solely on the grounds of the child’s sex.

Under former Interim Conservative Leader Candice Bergen, Kmiec was named Deputy House Leader, Co-Chair of Question Period Planning, and Shadow Minister of Democratic Reform. Under current Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, Kmiec serves as the Shadow Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Tom Kmiec's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.