contact Sylvie Bérubé

Representative Sylvie Bérubé Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Sylvie Bérubé, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameSylvie Bérubé
PartyBloc Québécois
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address204-888 3rd Avenue Val-d'Or, Quebec J9P 5E6
fax 1613-996-0828
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Sylvie Bérubé
Sylvie Bérubé is a distinguished Canadian politician whose unwavering commitment to public service has earned her a notable reputation.

Sylvie Bérubé for Representative

Sylvie Bérubé is a distinguished Canadian politician whose unwavering commitment to public service has earned her a notable reputation. Born and raised in Canada, she currently holds the esteemed position of Member of Parliament (MP) for Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou, having assumed office in 2019. Her remarkable tenure represents the interests of her constituents with great passion and dedication.

Bérubé proudly aligns herself with the Bloc Québécois (BQ), a prominent political party in Quebec. Within her expansive riding, which encompasses more than half of Quebec, she represents an area spanning over 190 million acres in the province’s northwest region. This vast and diverse constituency allows her to address the multifaceted needs and concerns of her constituents, ensuring their voices are heard on the national stage.

Within the walls of the esteemed House of Commons, Bérubé serves as the Vice-Chair of the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee. This crucial role underscores her deep commitment to the welfare and empowerment of Indigenous peoples and the residents of northern regions. With her keen understanding of the unique challenges faced by these communities, she tirelessly advocates for their rights, striving to promote inclusivity and foster meaningful dialogue.

Bérubé’s dedication to her role as an MP extends far beyond her parliamentary duties. She works tirelessly to bridge the gap between the government and her constituents, regularly engaging with them through community outreach programs, town hall meetings, and public forums. By actively listening to the concerns of those she represents, she ensures that their needs remain at the forefront of her political agenda.

Known for her exceptional leadership and strong moral compass, Bérubé is admired for her unwavering integrity and commitment to transparency. Her political career has been marked by a steadfast belief in democratic principles, social justice, and the well-being of all Canadians. She continually strives to build bridges, fostering collaborations and partnerships that yield positive and impactful results for her constituents and the nation at large.

Sylvie Bérubé’s biography is a testament to her unwavering dedication to public service and her tireless efforts to advocate for the rights and well-being of her constituents. With her unwavering commitment to inclusivity, social justice, and the empowerment of Indigenous peoples, Bérubé continues to inspire and make a lasting impact on the political landscape of Canada.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Sylvie Bérubé's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.