contact Scott Reid

Representative Scott Reid Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Scott Reid, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameScott Reid
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address224 Bridge Street Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3G9
fax 1613-947-2278
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Scott Reid
Scott Jeffrey Reid MP is a Canadian politician who has dedicated his career to public service and political advocacy.

Scott Reid for Representative

Scott Jeffrey Reid MP is a Canadian politician who has dedicated his career to public service and political advocacy. Born on January 25, 1964, in Hull, Quebec, he has been a member of the House of Commons of Canada since 2000, representing the Ontario riding of Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston as a member of the Conservative Party.

Reid’s passion for politics and governance was evident from an early age. He pursued his education at Carleton University in Ottawa, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a Master of Arts in Russian history. During his studies, he developed a keen interest in federalism and the Canadian constitution, authoring insightful writings on these subjects.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Reid immersed himself in various intellectual activities, preparing himself for a future in public office. He honed his skills as an author, journalist, researcher, and lecturer, exploring topics such as national unity, property rights, and official bilingualism. Reid’s written works include notable publications like “Canada Remapped: How the Partition of Quebec Will Reshape the Nation” (1992) and “Lament for a Notion: The Life and Death of Canada’s Bilingual Dream” (1993).

Reid’s views on national unity and partition have been thought-provoking. While not advocating for separation or partition, he believes it is essential to establish a clear legal framework in case of provincial secession to prevent potential conflicts. In “Lament for a Notion,” he critically analyzes Canada’s system of official bilingualism, suggesting alternative approaches that prioritize local linguistic majorities or strong minorities.

Throughout his career, Reid has actively participated in political organizations and initiatives. He served as a constitutional advisor to Reform Party leader Preston Manning in the 1990s, contributing his expertise to shape party policies. In 2000, he played a crucial role as a speechwriter and organizer in Stockwell Day’s leadership campaign during the formation of the Canadian Alliance.

Reid’s commitment to public service led him to run for office, and in the 2000 federal election, he was elected as a member of the Canadian Alliance. As an opposition MP, he diligently represented the interests of his constituents, advocating for democratic reform, electoral changes, and the reduction of government intervention. He served as the Alliance critic for Intergovernmental Affairs and later became the deputy Government House Leader when the Conservatives won a minority government in 2006.

Even during his time in government, Reid remained committed to his principles and maintained an independent voice. He consistently championed accountability and transparency, proposing measures to enhance democratic processes. For instance, he advocated for the appointment of non-partisan agencies to select returning officers in elections, ensuring fair representation.

Reid’s commitment to civil liberties and individual rights is evident in his positions on various issues. He has expressed libertarian and socially conservative views, emphasizing the importance of personal freedoms and limited government intervention. While opposing capital punishment and abortion on a personal level, Reid has voted in alignment with the preferences of his constituents, prioritizing their voices.

In recent years, Reid has remained actively engaged in the political landscape, representing the interests of his constituents in the riding of Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston. He has served on important committees, including the House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform, where he worked to improve Canada’s electoral system. Reid has been an advocate for democratic institutions and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the voices of Canadians are heard.

Throughout his career, Scott Jeffrey Reid MP has demonstrated a deep passion for public service, intellectual rigor, and a commitment to principles. With his dedication to democratic processes, civil liberties, and accountable governance, he continues to make valuable contributions to Canadian politics.

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