contact Irek Kusmierczyk

Representative Irek Kusmierczyk Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Irek Kusmierczyk, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameIrek Kusmierczyk
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address9733 Tecumseh Road East Suite 2 Windsor, Ontario N8R 1A5
fax 1613-947-3448
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Irek Kusmierczyk
Irek Kusmierczyk MP, born on January 16, 1978, is a Polish-Canadian politician renowned for his dedication to public service.

Irek Kusmierczyk for Representative

Irek Kusmierczyk MP, born on January 16, 1978, is a Polish-Canadian politician renowned for his dedication to public service. His journey in politics began when he was elected to represent the riding of Windsor—Tecumseh in the House of Commons of Canada during the 2019 Canadian federal election. However, his commitment to his community extends beyond his time in Parliament.

Before taking on the role of Member of Parliament, Irek Kusmierczyk served as a city councillor for the Windsor City Council, representing Ward 7. This experience allowed him to connect with the local residents, understand their needs, and work towards improving their lives.

Irek’s pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence is evident in his impressive educational background. He earned his Ph.D. in political science from Vanderbilt University, showcasing his dedication to understanding the intricacies of governance. Additionally, he holds an M.A. in Central and Eastern European Studies from Jagiellonian University, an M.Sc. in government from the esteemed London School of Economics, and a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University. These diverse areas of study have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of various facets of politics and policy-making.

Throughout his academic journey, Irek Kusmierczyk has actively contributed to the field of political science. He worked in government at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an Atlantic Council of Canada Fellow, delving into matters of international importance. Moreover, he authored a book chapter on cross-border environmental cooperation between local governments around the Great Lakes basin, highlighting his commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. Furthermore, Irek played a vital role in the Species-at-Risk remediation around Ojibway Park as part of the Windsor Essex Parkway Project, further showcasing his dedication to protecting natural habitats.

Born in Kraśnik, Poland, Irek Kusmierczyk’s personal history has greatly influenced his passion for public service. His family migrated to Canada in 1983, seeking refuge after his father faced imprisonment as a member of the Solidarity movement. This movement played a crucial role in opposing the communist dictatorship and establishing the first free and independent trade union in communist Eastern Europe. Upon their arrival in Canada, they settled in Windsor, where his father contributed to the automotive industry as an engineer.

Irek Kusmierczyk’s life experiences, coupled with his impressive educational background and dedication to public service, have shaped him into a compassionate and effective representative for the Windsor—Tecumseh riding. With a strong commitment to the betterment of his community and a profound understanding of political dynamics, he continues to strive towards building a brighter future for all Canadians.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Irek Kusmierczyk's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.