contact Cheryl Gallant

Representative Cheryl Gallant Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Cheryl Gallant, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameCheryl Gallant
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address84 Isabella Street 1st Floor Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5S5
fax 1613-995-2561
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Cheryl Gallant
Cheryl Gallant MP, born on May 23, 1960, is a dedicated Canadian politician who currently represents the riding of Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke in the House of Commons of Canada.

Cheryl Gallant for Representative

Cheryl Gallant MP, born on May 23, 1960, is a dedicated Canadian politician who currently represents the riding of Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke in the House of Commons of Canada. As a member of the Conservative Party of Canada, she has made significant contributions to her community and the political landscape of the country. With her extensive experience and commitment to public service, Gallant has become one of the longest-serving women in the federal caucus.

Early Life and Career Cheryl Gallant was born in Sarnia, Ontario and pursued her higher education at the University of Western Ontario, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. Before embarking on her political journey, she gained valuable professional experience working as a group insurance executive at a major Canadian life insurance company and as an office manager for a family-owned professional practice. In addition to her career, Gallant has been happily married since 1985 and is the proud parent of four daughters. Throughout her life, she has actively participated in her community’s development, serving as the Chair of the City of Pembroke Downtown Development Commission and as a member of the Economic Advisory Committee for the city.

Political Career Gallant’s political career began in 2000 when she successfully won her seat in the federal election. Her victory marked a significant milestone as she became the first woman elected to federal office in Renfrew County. In a riding that traditionally favored the Liberal Party, Gallant’s triumph was a result of her ability to connect with the community and capitalize on local opposition to the Firearms Act, commonly known as Bill C-68. She has since remained a steadfast member of the Conservative Party of Canada and has gained a reputation as one of the most vocal social conservatives in the House of Commons.

Given her representation of a riding with a prominent military base and the country’s only national nuclear research facility, Gallant has been a strong advocate for increased federal support for CFB Petawawa and the Chalk River Laboratories. Her dedication to serving her constituents and fighting for their interests is reflected in her various roles within the government. During the 37th Parliament, she served as the deputy house leader of the Official Opposition. Gallant has held several important positions, including critic for science, research and development, member of the Commons Standing Committee on National Defence and Veteran’s Affairs, and the Standing Committee on Industry.

Throughout her tenure, Gallant has been an active participant in parliamentary committees, serving in the 38th, 39th, and 40th Parliaments on committees such as the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Joint Committee on Library of Parliament and the Library of Parliament. In the 41st Parliament, she became a member of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science, and Technology, as well as the Standing Committee on National Defence. Her dedication to international affairs and parliamentary diplomacy led to her appointment as Chair of the Canadian-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Association, representing Canada’s political parties in the House of Commons.

Gallant’s commitment to her constituents and her party has been recognized through her numerous re-elections. In both the 2008 and 2019 elections, she emerged victorious, securing her fourth and seventh terms in office, respectively. Over the years, she has introduced private member bills and actively participated in important debates, displaying her strong advocacy for protecting private property rights and addressing environmental issues.

Controversies Throughout her career, Gallant has found herself embroiled in various controversies. In 2002, she made inappropriate remarks to then Minister of Foreign Affairs Bill Graham, leading to criticism of her behavior. She has also faced backlash for her strong opposition to certain bills, including Bill C-16, which aimed to add gender identity and expression as protected grounds in the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. Gallant argued that the bill would infringe upon free speech rights and expressed concerns about its implications.

In addition, Gallant has been a vocal critic of the Liberal government’s policies on various issues, including immigration and border security. She has called for stricter border controls and has raised concerns about the government’s approach to asylum seekers crossing the border from the United States.

Gallant’s stance on social issues, particularly her conservative views, has garnered both support and criticism. She has been known for her opposition to same-sex marriage and her support for traditional family values. Her outspoken nature and controversial statements have made her a polarizing figure in Canadian politics.

Despite the controversies surrounding her, Gallant has maintained a strong base of support in her riding. She has been praised for her accessibility to constituents and her efforts to address their concerns. She has focused on advocating for economic development, job creation, and support for the military in her constituency.

In conclusion, Cheryl Gallant MP is a passionate and dedicated Canadian politician who has served as a member of the House of Commons for the riding of Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke. While she has faced controversies and criticism for her conservative views and controversial statements, she has remained committed to representing her constituents and fighting for their interests.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Cheryl Gallant's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.