contact Mike Kelloway

Representative Mike Kelloway Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mike Kelloway, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameMike Kelloway
StateNova Scotia
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address7-850 Grand Lake Rd Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 5T9
fax 1613-992-4053
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Mike Kelloway
Michael J. "Mike" Kelloway MP, born on September 9, 1970, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for his unwavering commitment to public service. As a devoted member of the Liberal Party, he garnered immense support and was elected to represent the esteemed riding of Cape Breton—Canso in the House of Commons of Canada during the historic 2019 Canadian federal election.

Mike Kelloway for Representative

Michael J. “Mike” Kelloway MP, born on September 9, 1970, is a distinguished Canadian politician renowned for his unwavering commitment to public service. As a devoted member of the Liberal Party, he garnered immense support and was elected to represent the esteemed riding of Cape Breton—Canso in the House of Commons of Canada during the historic 2019 Canadian federal election.

With an ardent passion for politics and a deep-rooted connection to his community, Mike Kelloway embarked on a journey to effect positive change and champion the needs of his constituents. His charismatic demeanor, coupled with his dedication to the people he serves, swiftly gained him widespread admiration and trust.

Born and raised in Canada, Mike Kelloway developed a profound appreciation for the nation’s democratic principles from a young age. Inspired by the transformative power of government, he dedicated himself to studying political science and public policy, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a meaningful impact on his community.

In the 2019 Canadian federal election, Mike Kelloway’s strong leadership qualities and profound understanding of the issues faced by his constituents propelled him to victory. Earning the trust and support of the residents of Cape Breton—Canso, he emerged as their chosen representative, entrusted with the responsibility of voicing their concerns and advocating for their interests on the national stage.

Within the hallowed halls of the House of Commons, Mike Kelloway has proven himself to be an ardent advocate for the well-being and prosperity of his constituents. Through his relentless efforts, he strives to address the pressing challenges faced by the people he serves, ranging from economic growth and job creation to healthcare and environmental sustainability.

Mike Kelloway’s dedication extends beyond his role as a Member of Parliament. He is actively involved in various parliamentary committees and caucuses, collaborating with fellow legislators to shape progressive policies and enact legislative reforms that benefit all Canadians. His commitment to transparent governance and inclusive decision-making has earned him respect from colleagues across party lines.

Outside of his political career, Mike Kelloway is a devoted family man who finds solace in the support and love of his loved ones. He cherishes the values instilled in him by his upbringing and remains deeply connected to his community. Recognizing the importance of grassroots engagement, he frequently interacts with his constituents, seeking their feedback and ensuring their voices are heard in the corridors of power.

Michael J. “Mike” Kelloway MP continues to serve as an influential figure in Canadian politics, dedicated to forging a brighter future for his constituents and the nation as a whole. With his unwavering commitment to public service, his tireless advocacy, and his genuine passion for the well-being of others, he stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change in his community and beyond.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Mike Kelloway's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.