contact Serge Cormier

Representative Serge Cormier Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Serge Cormier, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameSerge Cormier
StateNew Brunswick
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address220 St-Pierre Blvd West Suite 314 Caraquet, New Brunswick E1W 1A5
fax 1613-992-4558
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Serge Cormier
Serge Cormier MP, born in 1976, is a distinguished Canadian Liberal politician known for his dedicated service to the people. He currently represents the riding of Acadie—Bathurst in the esteemed House of Commons of Canada, a position he secured through a successful campaign in the 2015 federal election.

Serge Cormier for Representative

Serge Cormier MP, born in 1976, is a distinguished Canadian Liberal politician known for his dedicated service to the people. He currently represents the riding of Acadie—Bathurst in the esteemed House of Commons of Canada, a position he secured through a successful campaign in the 2015 federal election.

Born and raised in Maisonnette, New Brunswick, Cormier’s upbringing was influenced by his father, who worked as an inshore fisherman. From an early age, he developed a strong sense of community and an understanding of the challenges faced by the hardworking individuals in his region.

Cormier’s educational pursuits led him to study business administration, during which he demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit by acquiring a small company to finance his studies. Subsequently, he embarked on a noteworthy career serving the government of New Brunswick. He assumed the role of chief of staff for various government departments before becoming a policy analyst under the leadership of Brian Gallant, both during his time as the Official Opposition and as Premier of New Brunswick. Within this capacity, Cormier proved his expertise in northern New Brunswick affairs, acting as an advisor to Gallant.[3] Additionally, he dedicated himself to organizing for the federal and provincial Liberal parties, showcasing his commitment to the Liberal cause.

Recognizing Cormier’s exceptional abilities and deep-rooted connection to the community, he was nominated as the federal Liberal candidate for Acadie—Bathurst on April 27, 2015. His predecessor, Yvon Godin of the New Democratic Party, had held the riding since 1997 but chose retirement over seeking re-election. Cormier faced off against Jason Godin in a highly anticipated electoral battle and emerged victorious, marking an unexpected win as the Liberals swept the Atlantic provinces.

The trust and support garnered from his constituents led to Cormier’s re-election in the 2019 federal election, further solidifying his reputation as a dedicated representative for Acadie—Bathurst.

Outside of his political endeavors, Cormier finds fulfillment in his personal life. He shares his journey with his partner Isabelle, and together they raise two daughters and a step-son, fostering a loving and nurturing environment for their family.

Serge Cormier’s exceptional dedication to public service, his deep understanding of the issues faced by his community, and his commitment to advancing the Liberal values have made him an esteemed figure in Canadian politics. With a prosperous career already behind him and a promising future ahead, Cormier continues to serve as a strong voice for the people of Acadie—Bathurst, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s political landscape.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Serge Cormier's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.