contact Dominic LeBlanc

Representative Dominic LeBlanc Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Dominic LeBlanc, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameDominic LeBlanc
StateNew Brunswick
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address328 Main Street Suite I Shediac, New Brunswick E4P 2E3
fax 1613-992-3053
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Dominic LeBlanc
Dominic A. LeBlanc PC KC MP, born on December 14, 1967, is a Canadian lawyer and politician known for his significant contributions to public service. Since 2020, he has held the position of Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, showcasing his strong leadership and commitment to fostering collaboration between different levels of government.

Dominic LeBlanc for Representative

Dominic A. LeBlanc PC KC MP, born on December 14, 1967, is a Canadian lawyer and politician known for his significant contributions to public service. Since 2020, he has held the position of Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, showcasing his strong leadership and commitment to fostering collaboration between different levels of government. In 2021, LeBlanc also assumed the role of Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, further expanding his influence and dedication to advancing critical infrastructure projects in Canada. As a member of the Liberal Party, he represents the Beauséjour riding in the House of Commons, serving as the Member of Parliament (MP) for this region since 2000.

Throughout his distinguished political career, LeBlanc has held several key Cabinet portfolios, exemplifying his versatility and competence in various areas of governance. Notably, he made a bid for the leadership of the Liberal Party in 2008, although he later withdrew from the race to support Michael Ignatieff, who eventually became the acclaimed leader. Following the resignation of Ignatieff after the 2011 federal election, LeBlanc was considered a potential candidate for party leadership, yet he chose not to participate.

From 2015 to 2016, LeBlanc served as the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Cabinet, showcasing his exceptional parliamentary skills and ability to navigate complex legislative processes. In 2016, he assumed the role of Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard, demonstrating his commitment to protecting Canada’s marine resources and supporting the coastal communities that rely on them. Subsequently, LeBlanc served as the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Northern Affairs, and Internal Trade from 2018 to 2019, where he focused on strengthening relationships with provincial and territorial governments, addressing Northern issues, and promoting internal trade within Canada. During this period, he also held the position of President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, overseeing the governance of the council.

LeBlanc’s return to Cabinet in 2019 saw him take on the role of President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, while his previous responsibilities were reallocated to other ministers. However, due to his unwavering dedication to public service, he once again assumed the position of Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs in August 2020, following the resignation of Bill Morneau as Minister of Finance. Concurrently, he continued his role as President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, showcasing his ability to handle multiple responsibilities effectively.

LeBlanc’s political journey began in his home riding of Beauséjour in New Brunswick, where he initially ran for election in 1997. Although he faced defeat, his perseverance and commitment led him to contest the seat again in 2000, this time emerging as the victor. Since then, LeBlanc has been re-elected in subsequent federal elections, highlighting his strong connection with his constituents and their continued trust in his leadership.

Born in Ottawa, Ontario, in 1967, LeBlanc hails from an esteemed political lineage. His father, Roméo LeBlanc, served as a Member of Parliament, senator, and the 25th governor general of Canada. Growing up, Dominic LeBlanc had the unique opportunity to babysit the children of then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, fostering a lifelong friendship with Justin Trudeau, who later became the leader of the Liberal Party. In 2012, LeBlanc endorsed Justin Trudeau’s candidacy for Liberal leader, further solidifying their enduring relationship.

LeBlanc’s educational background includes attending Lisgar Collegiate Institute for high school. He pursued higher education at the University of Toronto’s Trinity College, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science. He subsequently obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of New Brunswick, followed by a Master of Laws degree from Harvard Law School. Prior to embarking on his political career, LeBlanc worked as a barrister and solicitor, honing his legal expertise with Clark Drummie in Shediac and Moncton. His valuable experience as a lawyer and legal advisor shaped his nuanced understanding of governance and policy.

Dominic A. LeBlanc’s political journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to public service and his ability to tackle complex challenges with integrity and resolve. His notable contributions as a Minister, Member of Parliament, and trusted colleague have solidified his reputation as a skilled leader in Canadian politics. With his ongoing commitment to intergovernmental affairs and infrastructure development, LeBlanc continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Canada’s governance and infrastructure landscape.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Dominic LeBlanc's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.