contact Elizabeth May

Representative Elizabeth May Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Elizabeth May, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameElizabeth May
StateBritish Columbia
PartyGreen Party
Mailing AddressOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Mailing Address9711 Fourth Street Suite 1 Sidney, British Columbia V8L 2Y8
fax 1613-996-0850
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May is a Canadian politician, environmentalist, author, activist, and lawyer. She was born on June 9, 1954, in Hartford, Connecticut. As a teenager, she immigrated to Canada with her family. May attended St. Francis Xavier University and later graduated from Dalhousie University with a law degree in 1983. She also studied theology at Saint Paul University.

Elizabeth May for Representative

Elizabeth May is a Canadian politician, environmentalist, author, activist, and lawyer. She was born on June 9, 1954, in Hartford, Connecticut. As a teenager, she immigrated to Canada with her family. May attended St. Francis Xavier University and later graduated from Dalhousie University with a law degree in 1983. She also studied theology at Saint Paul University.

May began her career as an environmental lawyer in Halifax before moving to Ottawa in 1985. She worked as the associate general counsel at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and later served as the Senior Policy Advisor to Thomas McMillan, the Environment Minister in the Progressive Conservative Mulroney government. During her time as a policy advisor, May played a significant role in negotiating the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty aimed at protecting the ozone layer. However, she resigned in 1988 over permits granted for the construction of a dam without proper environmental assessments.

In 1989, May founded the Sierra Club Canada and served as its executive director until 2006. Under her leadership, the Sierra Club became a nationally effective organization. May has been actively involved in environmental advocacy and has worked with indigenous peoples, both in Canada and internationally.

May entered politics in 2006 when she ran for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada and won with 66% of the vote. She served as the party’s leader from 2006 to 2019 and again from 2022. In 2011, she became the first member of the Green Party to be elected as a Member of Parliament, representing the Saanich—Gulf Islands riding. She was re-elected in 2019. May resigned as Green Party leader in 2019 but remained as parliamentary leader in the House of Commons. She ran for the Green Party leadership again in 2022 and won.

Throughout her career, May has received numerous awards and recognitions for her environmental leadership. She has been an officer of the Order of Canada since 2005 and has been recognized by the United Nations as one of the leading women environmentalists worldwide. May has authored eight books, including her memoir titled “Who We Are - Reflections of My Life and Canada,” which became a best-seller.

Elizabeth May is known for her dedication to environmental causes, her advocacy for sustainable policies, and her contributions to Canadian politics. She has made a significant impact as a female leader in Canadian federal politics and continues to work towards a greener and more sustainable future.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Elizabeth May's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.